Coro channel what is
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This article is as comprehensive guidance for a better understanding Coro channel what is And different aspects of the treatment provided. Study this more, with symptoms need to عصبکشی, etc. stages of treatment. care after the treatment, and the benefits of maintaining teeth method Crowe channel will be familiar.

Coro channel mean? Dental pain, especially the pain that heat and cold, or chew resonance is, it can be very disturbing to be. These symptoms often indicates damage to the dental pulp (nerve and vessels of the tooth) are. The pulp in the central part of the tooth and the roots of it are located, and plays an important role in the blood supply and حسآفرینی teeth and tissues. In the event of infection or inflammation of the pulp, etc., the dentist may treat the root or the same Canal (Coro channel) recommend.

Why to Crewe channel (Canal) need we find the time?

As noted, etc. Damage to the dental pulp One of the main reasons for the need for nerve destruction. This damage could be caused by the following:

  • Decay dental deep: Fluoride is available in مینهی teeth to some extent from the influence of bacteria to prevent. But in the event of non-compliance with oral hygiene and teeth, bacteria can مینهی teeth has been destroyed and to dentin (layer underside of The مینهی teeth) penetrate. With the progress of decay, etc. 'ivoire inflamed, and eventually, the pulp will be involved.
  • Fractures of the teeth: Fracture of dental deep can go directly to pulp damage and lead to infection.
  • Other damage: Canal, sometimes, in effect, sharp blows to the teeth or treatment to improper Dental is also essential, as is.
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The symptoms need to Crewe channel mean?

Tooth canal

Dental pain, especially in the following cases, it can be a sign of the need for nerve wiring is:

  • The sensitivity of long-term teeth to heat and cold: This sensitivity may be even after the elimination of the stimulus (heat or cold) will also be continued.
  • Pain when chewing: Chewing with the teeth, infected or inflamed, it can be very painful.
  • Change the color of the teeth: Dental infectious May over time change the color, and darker, be.
  • Exit discharge, purulent from the teeth: In cases of advanced infection, you may of teeth, discharge, purulent out.
  • Swelling of the gums: لثهی around the tooth infectious may be swollen, red and sensitive.

Coro channel (Canal) how to do it?

Root treatment Usually in multi-session is done. General steps of this treatment is as follows:

  • Diagnosis: The dentist, beginning with معاینهی clinical and imaging with اشعهی X-rays. the cause of the pain and the status of dental checks.
  • Local anesthesia: For the convenience of the patient, etc., mainly on the desired numbing it.
  • Create access: Dentist for access to a pulp, etc. should be part of the crown of the tooth to make that leap.
  • Clearing channels from the root: With the use of tools, for., the pulp and infectious waste material from the canals of the root are out.
  • Washing and sterilization of the root canals: Channels root material with antiseptic wash, data are from the complete disappearance of bacteria to ensure.
  • The filling of the root canals: After cleansing and sterilization, etc. channels Root with special material out there.
  • Placing dental veneers: To protect the tooth and restore it, usually after nerve lottery. veneer teeth (denture) the tooth is to be placed.

Care after Coro channel mean?

Once done, the nerve lottery. observe the following tips to heal faster and keep the teeth is essential:

  • Observe the diet soft: A few days after the treatment, the consumption of foods chopping and chewing tightly with dental canal, has refused to see.
  • Intake housing: Mild pain after the canal is normal. If needed, you can designed prescribed by the dentist to use.
  • Observe oral hygiene: Dental health is fully adhered to the incidence of new infections to prevent. Brushing and flossing teeth drag a regular in the side, proper diet, etc., importance there.
  • A visit to the dentist: To the recommendations of your dentist regarding the time مراجعههای next to check the condition of the tooth and the restoration of its final coated dental practice.
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The benefits of Coro channel mean?

Coro channel

Canal preserve natural teeth, etc. significant benefits for the individual are mobile, including:

  • Preserve natural teeth: Canal to preserve the natural tooth and prevent it from pulling it helps. Natural teeth in terms of beauty, function, chewing and speech are particularly important.
  • Relieve pain and infection: Nerve to relieve pain caused by the infection or inflammation of the pulp helps. Also from the spread of infection to the bone of the jaw and other teeth to prevent it.
  • Improving the quality of life: With the fix, the pain and maintain the functionality of the teeth. the quality of life of a person significantly improve. A person can without pain, eat. talk and بخندد.
  • Maximum durability: In doing so, the correct nerve and observe the care after treatment, tooth canal, which can be up to many years of durability have.

Possible complications Crowe channel mean?

Canal generally a treatment is safe and effective. However, like any other dental treatment other, etc. may be mild side effects is included, including:

  • The pain and discomfort, mild: Mild pain after nerve wiring is normal, and usually with the consumption of designed prescribed improve.
  • Swelling of the gums: In some cases it may be لثهی around the tooth canal is a little swollen. This swelling usually within a few days will go away.
  • Fractures of the teeth: Tooth canal is due to the removal of part of the tissue, may be attributed to the teeth healthy, a little weaker, and be in rare cases with fractures of the be.

The cost of Coro channel (Canal) how much is it?

Cost of canal under the influence of several factors, such as the number of roots of teeth. the rate of infection., the position of the teeth in the mouth and wages dentist can be variable. To know the exact cost of the treatment. it is better with a dentist qualified to consult.

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Dental clinic میوادنت With the use of dedicated servers, dentists, and equipped with the most modern equipment, a wide range of dental services to patients of your offers.

Services, dental clinic میوادنت:

Coro channel

  • Dental Implants
  • Dental surgery
  • Root treatment
  • The beauty of the teeth
  • Composite tooth
  • The treatment of bruxism

The benefits of choosing dental clinic میوادنت:

  • Highly qualified specialists: Dentists clinic میوادنت with years of experience and specialized knowledge, in various fields of dentistry to provide services in the classroom.
  • Modern equipment: Use the latest dental equipment., the guarantor of the quality and the accuracy of the treatments in these clinics.
  • Varied services: Clinic میوادنت range of dental services to meet the needs of different patients, and offers.
  • Quiet and sterile: Health and sterile, being a clinic environment, security, and peace of mind for patients brings.
  • Reasonable price: Costs of dental services at the clinic میوادنت due to the costs approved by and in consideration of the conditions of patients is determined.

Contact information:

  • Address: Tehran, niavaran Street dezashib after the fire alley Falah No. ۴١ واحد ١
  • Phone number:  ۰۹۳۵۲۲۴۲۴۲۲
  • Website:

The last word

Coro channel (Canal) is an effective treatment to keep teeth damaged. With timely diagnosis and doing this treatment, you can drag a tooth and its complications, prevent. In case of observation of symptoms, warning, like dental pain, etc. change the color of the teeth, or sensitivity to temperature, consult with your dentist in case of need, treatment Canal be done for you.


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