Inflammation of the gums
زمان مطالعه: ۳ دقیقه

 Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), which is the name ژنژژویت is also known as the ... a situation which is common in the absence of treatment can lead to serious problems mouth and teeth lead.

Beautiful smile and oral and dental health, your self-confidence high, " study on the overall health of the body, also affects. One of the main pillars of having Healthy teethEtc. لثههای healthy.

This article is a guide snapped in the case of inflammation of the gums, offers, and help you with the symptoms, causes and treatment causes, methods of prevention and treatment of it familiar.

Inflammation of the gums mean?

Inflammation of the gums, etc., inflamed and red texture and soft pink color around teeth (gums) is. This inflammation is usually painless, but may cause bleeding when brushing or flossing the teeth be dragging. Inflammation of the gums, etc. the initial stage of periodontal disease (periodontal disease) that in the absence of treatment can lead to bone resorption and gum (periodontal destruction), and eventually become loose and falling of teeth lead.

Symptoms of gingivitis

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing the teeth drag
  • Redness, swelling and inflammation of the gums
  • Bad breath (هالیتوزیس)
  • Withdrawal of the gums (in advanced stages)
  • Become loose teeth (in advanced stages)

Causes of gingivitis

The most important cause of gingivitis is the accumulation of bacterial plaque (bacterial plaque) on the teeth is. Plaque, a layer of viscous and colorless, is from bacteria in the mouth will be formed. If plaque regularly with brushing and flossing of teeth, pulling of spirit, etc. the stiff and tartar (tartar) or mass of the teeth become. Tartar, etc. material hard and minerals that easily from the teeth clean is not a good environment for the growth of bacteria provides. The bacteria in plaque and tartar, etc. toxins (demonstrated) produce, which irritate the gums and create the inflammatory response.

Risk factors for gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums

  • Poor health of the mouth and teeth
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause and menstruation
  • Diseases of the pitches, such as diabetes
  • Malnutrition
  • Certain drugs
  • Weak immune system

Detect inflammation of the gums

Detection of inflammation, usually by a dentist or specialist oral health and teeth (dentist) is done. Dentist, oral examination and teeth done and it is possible to check the condition of the jaw bone, the X-ray use.

Treatment of gingivitis

The treatment of inflammation, with the aim of removing plaque and tartar, and prevent the progression of the disease takes place. The first step in the treatment and cleaning, professional teeth (scaling and root planing) by a dentist or dentist. In this method, the plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth and below the gum line (the root of the tooth) is removed.

After cleaning, funny, teeth, etc. is necessary, oral health regularly observed. This includes brushing twice a day for two minutes and floss his or her teeth at least once a day. The use of mouthwash, anti-inflammatory, also can be used to improve the inflammation of the help.

If the inflammation is severe, or to periodontal disease progression in it. it is possible to treatments such as surgery, the gums need to be.

The Prevention of gingivitis

The Prevention of inflammation is very important, because the treatment of it in the early stages, etc., making it easier and کمهزینهتر is. For the Prevention of gingivitis., the following tips will adhere to:

  • Brushing twice a day for two minutes with toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Floss his or her teeth at least once a day to clean between teeth
  • A regular visit to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning, professional teeth (at least once every six months)
  • Quit smoking
  • Observe a healthy, balanced diet

Effects of gingivitis untreated

If gingivitis is not treated, it can be to periodontal disease progression does. Periodontal disease, etc. are inflammatory in addition to the gums, etc. tissues holder tooth (bone, ligament periodontal) have also involved Iran. In advanced stages, periodontal disease, etc., bone, and tissues holder tooth destruction are and teeth, jiggly and fall.

In addition to dental problems, inflammation of the gums untreated can affect the overall health of the body also impact. Studies have shown that inflammation of the gums and heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and premature delivery, the communication is there.

Home care for gingivitis

On the side of dental procedures. observe some tips at home, can improve the inflammation and prevent the recurrence of it help:

  • Use a soft toothbrush: مسواکهای frizzy hair can irritate the gums are. Therefore, the use of a soft toothbrush with brushes, softcore, is recommended.
  • Replacement toothbrush regularly: The toothbrush should be once every three months or after catching illnesses such as colds switch.
  • The use of mouthwash, anti-inflammation: The use of mouthwash, anti-inflammatory can be used to reduce the inflammation and control the bacteria help. But remember that mouthwash replace brushing and flossing teeth, does not pull.
  • The use of cold compresses: Cold compresses can be used to reduce the inflammation and pain of the gums help. For this purpose, a clean towel with cold water, soak for ۱۰ minutes on the gums and put.
  • Healthy diet: Consumption of foods rich in vitamin A and C can be used to strengthen the gums and help. Fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are good sources of these vitamins are.
  • Reduce stress: Stress can cause exacerbation of inflammation of the gums be. Therefore, stress management techniques relaxation and exercise, can improve oral health and dental help.

When to go to the dentist for?"

If the following symptoms you experience, etc., it is necessary to visit your dentist:

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing the teeth drag
  • Redness, swelling and inflammation of the gums
  • Bad breath (هالیتوزیس)
  • Withdrawal gums
  • Become loose teeth
  • Sore gums


Inflammation of the gums, etc. disease common is that compliance with oral hygiene preventable. Treatment of inflammation in the initial stages, etc., making it easier and کمهزینهتر is. So, in compliance with health tips, and a regular visit to the dentist, it can be from the incidence of gingivitis and serious problems mouth and teeth prevented. This paper, with the aim of آگاهیرسانی and help you for having لثههای healthy and Smile Beautiful is prepared.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

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