Care after tooth extraction
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Drag the teeth. what is due to the decay severe, gum disease, or being impacted teeth, an outpatient surgery is common, with strict observance care after pulling teeth. you can find healing process has facilitated, and the incidence of unwanted side effects prevent. This article is a guide to comprehensive regarding care after pulling teeth to your loved ones.

Restorative dentistry (Restorative Dentistry): This branch of Dentistry on the restoration of damaged teeth and maintain oral and dental health, focus is. Drag the teeth are usually the last solution for the treatment of dental problems are expected to be.

Primary care after tooth extraction (Immediate Post-Operative Care)

your dentist after the completion of the process Pulling teethEtc., the instructions care fully you a description will. Nevertheless, the following key points immediately after pulling teeth, important are:

  • Sterile gauze (Gauze Pad): sterile gauze, which by the dentist on the cavity of the empty tooth can be put, to control bleeding and the formation of a blood clot (Blood Clot) can help. The gas tightly and kept for at least 30 minutes Gas, Natural Gas, do not take it out of zero.
  • A cold compress (Cold Compress): To reduce the swelling potential of cold compresses on the species level with the teeth drawn to the duration 10 minutes and with intervals 20-minute use.

Important tips:

  • From spitting (Spitting) or sucking (Sucking) strongly refused to see. This can lead to blood clots (Dislodge the Clot), bleeding, and re-used.
  • From drinking hot liquids or foods, tightening up 24 hours after pulling teeth to avoid.
  • Of physical activity and heavy exercise until a few days please refrain.

Diet after tooth extraction, Post-Extraction Diet)

Care after tooth extraction

Observe proper diet after pulling teeth, playing a vital role in the recovery process plays out. In 24 hours First, better foods, soft and cool, like a smoothie, etc., mashed potatoes, soup and yogurt to use. Gradually, can Foods, semi-rigid, such as Baked Fish and chicken, parboiled to your diet, add.

Important tips:

  • Consumption of spicy foods, etc., acidic and saline until full recovery to avoid.
  • From straw to drink liquids, do not use, because the action, sucking can be a blood clot to destroy.
  • Dental health even after pulling teeth regularly observe. However, from brushing directly on the surgical site to the duration ۲۴ hours please refrain.
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Care, oral and dental implants after tooth extraction, Oral Hygiene After Tooth Extraction)

Maintain good oral hygiene after pulling teeth to prevent infection and accelerate the healing process is very important. Tips to follow:

  • Brushing (Brushing): From the second day after surgery, you can gently with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste, gentle, teeth, and surrounding area, surgery to brush your teeth.
  • Mouthwash chlorhexidine (Chlorhexidine Mouthwash): Your dentist may mouthwash chlorhexidine diluted for use for ۷ days prescribe. This is to disinfect the mouth and reduce the risk of infection can help. Instructions related to the use of mouthwash to carefully follow.
  • ** Floss his or her teeth (Flossing):** from the floss his or her teeth in the place of surgery until full recovery't refuse. With your dentist regarding the appropriate time, restart, dental floss drag consult.

Key point: Regular dental health means keeping a clean mouth and teeth, without causing any irritation in place of surgery.

Care after tooth extraction

Care after tooth extraction

Pain management after pulling teeth (Pain Management After Tooth Extraction)

Feel pain and discomfort after tooth extraction is normal. Your dentist for pain control, the realtor will prescribe. The tips below to better manage the pain after a tooth extraction can help:

  • Painkillers (Analgesics): Medications prescribed by the dentist according to the instructions of consumption.
  • Rest (Rest): In 24 the first hour after surgery. have adequate rest and physical activity, heavy refused to see.
  • Top keep the head (Head Elevation): During sleep and rest, your head using a few pillows, the higher of the body put. This is to reduce swelling, helps.

Important note: If the pain after a few days, with the consumption of drugs prescribed, etc. continues, is severe or gets worse, etc. with your dentist a call.

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Possible complications after a tooth extraction (Potential Complications After Tooth Extraction)

In some cases, after a tooth extraction may be mild side effects you experience. These side effects usually with the passage of time, and observing the care after surgery can fix them. However, if you observe any of the following symptoms, etc. with your dentist, contact:

  • Bleeding is a severe and persistent (that is, with sterile gauze and pressure controlled not)
  • A noticeable swelling in the face or neck, that after ۲ day gets worse
  • High fever (higher than 38 ° C)
  • Pus, white color in the location of steel
  • Pain is a severe and persistent that the consumption of drugs prescribed, etc. will not decrease
  • Difficulty in swallow or breathe

Frequently asked questions regarding the care after tooth extraction

In this Section some of the common questions regarding the care, after tooth extraction, the answer given is:

Question: how long should the consumption of cigarettes and tobacco products after pulling teeth, refused to do?

Answer: Smoking can be a healing process to delay the risk of infection will increase. Recommended minimum 2 weeks after tooth extraction, etc. from the consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products to avoid.

Question: Can I get after tooth extraction, alcohol consumption do?

Answer: Alcohol consumption can with analgesics interfere, and also the recovery process to disrupt. It is better until full recovery from alcohol avoid.

Q: when can I sports activities on your resume to get?

Answer: It is better 24 the first hour after pulling teeth. of physical activity a heavy slot. Sports activities style you can after a few days, consult with your dentist the beginning of the session.

Question: does brushing in place of steel alright for?

Answer: From brushing directly on the surgical site to the duration ۲۴ hours please refrain. Then, you can gently with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste, gentle, teeth, and surrounding area, surgery to brush your teeth.

Question: Does Drag stitches teeth, there is pain?

Answer: Drag the stitches are usually painless or painful, very minor done. Your dentist of local anesthesia (Local Anesthesia) to reduce any discomfort possible will use.

مطالب مرتبط  Dental services dental clinic MIVADENT in Tehran and tips after surgery

Clinic Mivadent , etc., with the help of a team of expert and experienced dentists and Surgeons of the mouth and teeth. specialized services, and quality in the field of care after tooth extraction offers. This clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment and technologies of the day in the world. and with full respect for the principles of Hygiene and sterilization, environmental, safe and quiet for their customers provide.

Clinic services میوادنت in the field of care after tooth extraction include the following:

  • Provide advice regarding the care after tooth extraction
  • Control and management of pain and swelling
  • Prescribed analgesics and antibiotics (if needed)
  • Dressing and stitches drawing place of steel
  • Do checkups periodically to review the recovery process
  • Provide the necessary education regarding the health of the mouth and teeth after a tooth extraction

The benefits of a visit to the clinic میوادنت for care after tooth extraction:

  • The team of expert and experienced
  • The use of modern equipment and technologies in the world
  • Full respect for the principles of Hygiene and sterilization
  • Providing quality services and affordable
  • Environmental, safe and quiet
  • Easy access

If you are looking for specialized care and quality after pulling teeth for you. clinic میوادنت you suggest. For more information and booking, time can the number below call:

Clinic میوادنت., the selective sure to care after tooth extraction

Important note:

  • Before the visit to the clinic میوادنت, etc., make sure to call them and appointment booking.

Hope this information is useful to you.


Strict observance care after pulling teeth, playing a vital role in faster recovery and set plays. By following the recommendations of the dentist and the tips mentioned in this article, you can the recovery process will facilitate the occurrence of unwanted side effects prevent. In case of any questions or concerns regarding the care after pulling teeth, and your dentist a call.

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