Time of visit to the dentist
زمان مطالعه: ۴ دقیقه

Time of visit to the dentist: maintain a healthy smile and healthy with میوادنت

Hello, dear students! Today we want to about the importance of care, dentistry, and Time of visit to the dentist Talk. Having healthy teeth and beautiful, not only on the overall health of the body affects, but also in confidence and social relations also plays a large role.

In this paper, we study the factors affecting the Time Visit the dentist In the clinic میوادنتWhich signs have finished that, if necessary, refer to the expert they are.

The importance of Care Dental Clinic میوادنت

The mouth, the gate of entry of food into the body. The teeth in the process, the digestive system plays vital roles and munch Fit Food, the first step for the absorption of nutrients. The health of the teeth on the health of the entire body affects. Infections of the oral and لثهای can lead to serious problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and even dementia are.

Clinic میوادنت With the use of dedicated servers, dentists, and the newest equipment, a wide range of dental services to your offering. We میوادنت, the care پیشگیرانهی oral emphasis, and we believe that prevention is the best way to maintain the health of the teeth is.

When the clinic میوادنت visit we?

Being How often to the dentist in the clinic میوادنت seeEtc. is dependent on different factors. But generally it is recommended that all people, regardless of age and health condition of the mouth, at least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning the teeth to the dentist visit.

However, certain conditions exist that need to ویزیتهای frequent dentist's Essential make. Continue to, some of these cases and tenses appropriate to refer to the Clinic میوادنت Refer to the following:

  • The symptoms of toothache: Any pain, discomfort, and sensitivity in the teeth, etc. a sign of the existence of the problem. These symptoms, don't ignore, and as soon as possible to the clinic میوادنت visit.

  • لثههای red, swollen, or خونریزیدهنده: لثههای healthy, pale pink and without bleed. Change the color and swelling of the gums can be a sign of periodontal disease (gum disease) is. For examination and treatment Clinic میوادنت Visit.

  • Bad breath (هالیتوزیس): Bad breath can be caused by non-compliance with oral hygiene and teeth, decay, teeth, gum disease or even some digestive problems are. In the case of continuation of bad breath, etc. to Clinic میوادنت Visit.

  • Become loose teeth: Become loose teeth can be caused by gum disease, infection or trauma to the tooth to be. In the event become loose teeth, etc., be sure to میوادنت see the consequences more serious to prevent.

  • Fractures of teeth: Fractures of the teeth, particularly fractures of the deep, require immediate treatment by a dentist to have. As soon as possible to میوادنت visit.

  • Change the color of the teeth: Change the color of the teeth can be caused by the consumption of drinks vivid (such as coffee, tea, and soda), the consumption of tobacco, or even some medications is. Also, change the color of the teeth can be a sign of tooth decay is. In the event of a change color, unusual teeth, The میوادنت visit.

  • Problems related to chewing: Any problem in chewing food, it can be a sign of wear teeth. نامرتبی teeth or problems, joint, jaw crusher is. In case of difficulty in chewing, etc. to میوادنت visit.

High-risk groups, and the need to refer to the clinic میوادنت

As in the previous section noted, but some people need to care ویژهتری of the teeth, they should be in intervals shorter to the dentist visit. These groups can benefit from the specialized services میوادنت benefit:

  • Children: The first معاینهی dentistry, a child should be about ۶ months of age, i.e., after the growth of the first teeth, Milky, etc. done. Checkups in childhood, to early detection of dental problems, and proper training of oral health to the child helps. میوادنت with space کودکپسند and دندانپزشکانی experienced., the experience pleasant for the first ویزیتهای dentistry, your child figure tax.

  • Adults: Adults also should be at least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning the teeth to the dentist visit. With increasing age, the probability of the occurrence of problems such as the analysis of the gums, etc., wear of teeth, and dry mouth increases. Dentists specializing in میوادنت can provide appropriate solutions and specialized services, the incidence of these problems, prevention and dental health, you have so many years maintaining them.

  • Smokers: Smoking is one of the main factors prone to gum disease and oral cancer is. Smokers should be at intervals shorter (for example, any ۳ months once) to the dentist visit. Clinic میوادنت with the help of modern methods of quitting smoking, it can be on the side of providing dental services, specialized, etc. you quit this harmful habit will also help.

  • Diabetic people: Diabetes can affect the oral health impact and diabetics are at greater risk for developing gum disease are placed. Regular monitoring of blood sugar, and a regular visit to the dentist, of importance for these people possessed. Clinic میوادنت cooperation with the physicians, endocrinologist, it can be a programme of comprehensive treatment for maintaining good oral health, you offer.

  • Pregnant women: As said, the hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the health of the mouth and teeth affect the country. Pregnant women have during pregnancy, etc. several times for examination and ویزیتهای period to the dentist visit. Clinic میوادنت services specialized and in consideration of the special conditions of pregnancy to pregnant mothers provide.


The habits of Health and its impact on time, a visit to the clinic میوادنت

Observe oral hygiene at home. play a very important role in maintaining the health of the Teeth and gums Is. Brushing correct and tidy (at least two times a day), the use of dental floss (at least once a day) and proper diet, etc. can reduce the need to visit the dentist help.

However, even with full respect for the health of the mouth and teeth. again, a regular visit to the dentist in the clinic میوادنت for a checkup and cleaning, professional teeth is essential. Dentists specializing in میوادنت can پلاکهایی that brushing and flossing teeth easily قابلحذف not kill. Also, the dentist can dental problems in the early stages, diagnosis, and treatments appropriate to fix them prescribe.

 میوادنت by taking the time and the valuable time you have, this feature provides you a turn, business, etc. of the services examination is needed, and if needed, dental treatments benefit you.

The role of the clinic میوادنت in maintaining the health of the mouth and teeth

Clinic میوادنت with the help of the PRC, dentists, specialists, Newest Dental Equipment and a quiet environment and health. a range of dental services with the highest quality to your loved ones presents. Our clinic میوادنت believe that prevention is the best way to maintain the health of the teeth is. For this reason, the checkups and providing specialized consultation regarding dental health accentuates the special we have.

Specialized services clinic میوادنت

In میوادنت, we are proud of the wide range of dental services to meet the different requirements you provide. Some of these services include:

  • Examination and radiography of teeth: The first step to having a healthy smile healthy, معاینهی exact teeth and gums is. In the clinic میوادنت, etc., dentists, specialists use the newest equipment, to check the condition of the teeth and gums are dealt, and if needed, radiography prescribe.
  • Tooth restoration (filling): پوسیدگیهای, dental, can be restorative materials to the color of the teeth. restored. In میوادنت of the best restorative materials are used up, colored with natural teeth and has the durability and strength of the Upper have.
  • عصبکشی (root canal): In the event of infection or injury to the nerve, the tooth, you may need to عصبکشی be. Dentists, specialist Endodontist (عصبکشی) in Clinic میوادنت With experience and high skills, this treatment done and your teeth will save lives.
  • Pulling teeth: If the tooth is severely damaged and have the possibility to repair it exists, may need to pull the teeth of the be. Dentists specializing in Clinic میوادنت Do it with the least pain and discomfort for you to do.
  • Dental Implants: Dental implants, etc. replace permanent and strong for teeth are lost. In میوادنت, specialists of the implant with the experience and use the best brands of implants, etc. beautiful smile and confidence make you return."
  • Dental veneers: Crowns dental implants can be restored teeth broken, ترکخورده or بدرنگ help. In میوادنت from a variety of different crowns, dental, etc. according to the requirements and conditions of your use.
  • Orthodontics: Orthodontics, etc. in order to correct The نامرتبی teeth and improve the condition of the placement فکها is done. In the clinic میوادنت, specialists in orthodontics with experience, the types of orthodontic appliances, fixed and removable for having a healthy smile and sort of use.
  • Gum surgery: In some cases, for the treatment of gum disease may require gum surgery is. Surgeons, specialist of the gums in the clinic میوادنت with high skills, these surgeries done, and health لثههای you guarantee.
  • Laser therapy of teeth: Laser therapy in dentistry for various applications, including the treatment of gums, white teeth and Refractive Surgery minor is. In the clinic میوادنت of newest technologies lasers for dental procedures is used.
  • Cosmetic Surgery, Teeth: Cosmetic procedures like teeth surgery, dental crown lengthening or correction scheme, smile, etc. Can having a smile prettier assist. In Clinic میوادنت, Specialists, taking the beauty and appropriateness of the case, cosmetic surgeries teeth do.
  • Dental services children: Clinic میوادنت with space کودکپسند and skilled dentists, Pediatrics, quiet and stress-free for the first ویزیتهای Pediatric Dentistry you provide.

Note that this list, including all services provided درمیوادنت not. For information on the other services, and reserve the turn, you can میوادنت please contact us.


Having healthy teeth and beautiful, not only on oral and dental health, but also on the overall health of the body, confidence, and social relations, also has an influence. Clinic میوادنت with the help of the PRC, dentists, specialists, Newest Dental Equipment and a quiet environment and health. a range of dental services to your offering.

For having a healthy smile and healthy and maintain oral and dental health, clinic میوادنت call from graduates to free, qualified professionals, benefit from our in.


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