Wisdom tooth surgery with MIVADENT
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In this paper, to investigate the molar surgery with میوادنت and its benefits chart. Wisdom teeth, four dental implants that are at the end of the mouth and in the ages ۱۷ تا ۲۵ سالگی grow. Sometimes these teeth are complete and correct in mouth't fit they can be problems for the person creating the work. In these conditions, wisdom tooth surgery will be necessary.

میوادنت With the benefit of experienced technicians and advanced equipment, etc. is ready to provide services Wisdom tooth surgery To your loved ones.

What teeth that need surgery wisdom tooth are:

  • Impacted wisdom tooth: These teeth are fully under the gums and jaw bone, and the like may never grow, " he said.
  • Wisdom teeth half-lies: These teeth an gums, protruding to have, but not enough space to full growth, are not.
  • Wisdom teeth, crooked or unordered: These teeth can to the roots of the teeth adjacent harm.
  • Wisdom teeth infectious: These teeth can lead to pain, swelling and infection in the mouth are.

The benefits of dental surgery wisdom with میوادنت

  • Pain relief: Wisdom tooth surgery can relieve pain caused by wisdom teeth impacted and semi-impacted, tilt or infectious help.
  • Prevent infection: Wisdom tooth surgery can be from infection of the gums and the teeth adjacent block.
  • Prevent damage to the teeth adjacent: Wisdom tooth surgery can be from damage to the roots of the teeth adjacent block.
  • Improve dental health: Wisdom tooth surgery can improve oral health and prevent diseases of the gums, help.

The steps of wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت

  • Examination and diagnosis: At first, the expert wisdom tooth surgery, you will examine and use the photograph, the wisdom teeth you examine.
  • Anesthesia: Wisdom tooth surgery can with local anesthesia or general anesthesia to be performed.
  • Steel: The surgeon with the use of tools, for., the wisdom teeth from the mouth out of the country.
  • Stitch: Finally, the surgeon, the location of the surgical sutures etc.

Care after wisdom tooth surgery

  • Consumption of prescribed medications: Medications prescribed by the surgeon's timely consumption.
  • Use ice compresses: To reduce swelling, etc. of ice compresses to use.
  • Observe oral hygiene: Your mouth regularly with salt water rinse.
  • The consumption of soft foods: A few days after the surgery. consumption of foods, firm and chewy refused to see.
  • Adequate rest: Enough rest.
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The cost of wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت

The cost of wisdom tooth surgery to several factors, such as the number of wisdom teeth, type of surgery and type of anesthesia depends on. To know the exact cost of wisdom tooth surgery, you can میوادنت call.

The possible complications of wisdom tooth surgery

Wisdom tooth surgery, like any surgery, another, may be accompanied by side effects are. These side effects usually are mild and care after surgery to speed fix it. Some of the possible complications of surgery, wisdom teeth include:

  • Pain and swelling: Pain and swelling after wisdom tooth surgery is normal and usually by taking medications prescribed by the surgeon, during a few days, would be removed.
  • Bleeding: Possible after surgery. some bleeding from the surgical site to be. This bleeding is usually mild and quickly stops.
  • Bruises: May be after the surgery, in surgery, bruising created. The bruising is, of course, a few days would be removed.
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth: Possible after surgery. in opening the mouth due to the swelling, and the problem encountered. This problem will gradually be overcome.
  • Infection: In the event of non-compliance with oral hygiene after surgery, the probability of infection is there.

In case of observing any symptoms of abnormal, such as fever, chills, bleeding, severe pain or impossible to control, be sure to check with your surgeon call.

Readiness for surgery, wisdom teeth with میوادنت

To be a better experience from wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت in mind, you can take the following actions:

  • Inform the clinic: In the event that any underlying medical condition you have, or certain medications, consume, make sure before the surgery your surgeon know.
  • Select the cell: A person close ask that you take the day of surgery, companionship, and home.
  • Choose comfortable clothes: Dress up the comfort that easily and nudged be, for the day of surgery is appropriate.
  • Procurement of supplies needed: Before the surgery, medication prescribed by your surgeon, etc. compresses, ice, and soft food like soup and mashed potatoes-.
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Wisdom tooth surgery with MIVADENT

Frequently asked questions about wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت

In this section, to some of the Frequently Asked Questions About wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت reply is given:

  • Do surgery, wisdom teeth is a must?

Necessity Wisdom tooth surgery To certain conditions, the wisdom teeth and diagnosis, the surgeon depends on. If the wisdom teeth are impacted and semi-impacted, tilt, or infectious in ... steel, it is essential.

  • The best age for surgery, wisdom teeth, what time is it?

The best age for surgery, wisdom teeth, usually between ۱۷ تا ۲۵ years of age. In the ages, the root of wisdom tooth is not yet fully formed, and steel, it is easier.

  • After surgery, wisdom teeth, how long should the rest do?

Usually after surgery, wisdom teeth to a few days rest at home need. The amount of rest needed to your circumstances and consider the surgeon depends on.

  • After surgery, wisdom teeth, smoking is wrong?

Smoking after wisdom tooth surgery can be a healing process, it does not and the probability of infection will increase. Recommended for some time after surgery of smoking refused to see.

  • Can after wisdom tooth surgery of the housing without the version I use?

Before taking any medicinal after surgery, wisdom teeth, etc., be sure with your surgeon consult.

میوادنت: selective sure to wisdom tooth surgery

میوادنت benefit from:

  • Team of highly qualified professionals, dental surgery wisdom with میوادنت : Surgeons are highly qualified and experienced میوادنت., the dental surgery wisdom you with precision and skill up doing.
  • Advanced equipment: میوادنت equipped with the latest technology and dental surgery, be sure to perform safe and more comfortable surgery, wisdom teeth help.
  • Quiet and health: Quiet environment and health میوادنت to reduce your stress before and after surgery can help.

Avoid the complications of wisdom tooth surgery

As in the previous section mentioned above. surgery wisdom teeth, usually with mild side effects along. Comply with the tips below can significantly from the incidence of these complications, to avoid:

  • Strict observance of the commands of the surgeon: Commands, your surgeon, in conjunction with the consumption of medications, diet, and care of the mouth and teeth to accurately observe.
  • Use ice compresses: Use ice compresses on the species and the district of surgery to reduce swelling after surgery can help.
  • Observe oral hygiene: After the surgery, the dental health of particular importance is. With brushing, gentle, and using mouthwash, according to the surgeon, the incidence of infection to prevent.
  • Avoid the consumption of tobacco: Smoking and the consumption of any substance, tobacco, etc., the recovery process slows, and the probability of infection increases. Until the time of full recovery from smoking refused to see.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol: Alcohol also can process the recovery problem encountered does. Recommended for some time after surgery of alcohol consumption to avoid.
  • Avoid activities heavy: A few days after surgery of activities, heavy sports or heavy lifting refused to see.
  • Use an extra pillow: To reduce swelling, and improve the condition of sleep, in the first few nights after surgery from an extra pillow to use.
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Diet after wisdom tooth surgery

Proper diet after wisdom tooth surgery to the recovery process helps you. In the first few days after surgery is better than soft foods and liquids to use. Some of the options suitable for diet after surgery, wisdom teeth include:

  • Soup
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Smoothie
  • Puree fruit
  • Porridge
  • Ice cream (without fruit pieces or brain)

Gradually, and with the reduction of swelling, can Foods, more rigid to your diet, add. Recommended for a few weeks after surgery, the consumption of foods amazing.... chewy and hot slot.


Wisdom tooth surgery, an outpatient surgery that can maintain the health of the mouth and the teeth help you. By choosing a reputable clinic and observing tips, self care, before and after the surgery, you can experience a safe and comfortable from the steel in mind. میوادنت with the benefit of a team of highly qualified professionals, dental surgery wisdom with میوادنت, etc. advanced equipment, and quiet, and Health ready to provide top quality services to your loved ones.

Make an appointment for a consultation and more information about wisdom tooth surgery with میوادنت call.


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