Reading time: 2 MinutesThe importance of oral health to maintain the beauty and health of the mouth and teeth is very basic and regular care of mouth and teeth, including brushing, using dental floss and a visit to the dental clinic to prevent diseases of the oral and dental and maintain the beauty of the teeth is important. The beauty of the teeth is an important aspect of [...]

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Reading time: 2 MinutesDental surgery is one of the important parts of Dental Medicine is to identify, diagnose and treat dental problems and لثهای deals. Surgery on the teeth, it is better to a dental clinic authentic visited, and after surgery. necessary care to do. Dental surgery is one of the methods is vitally important in the field of Dentistry is to [...]

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Reading time: 2 MinutesDental surgery is one of the methods of corrective and therapy in the field of Dentistry, which is the most importance in maintaining the health of the teeth and mouth are. This method as one of the ways of correcting to fix problems and defects of teeth used. In this paper, the importance and benefits of surgical, dental, etc. steps and techniques of it, and [...]

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