Tooth decay
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Dental caries is the scientific term for it, “ caries” (rot) said, a problem common in Oral health And teeth. The disease gradually enamel (layer, hard outer) to the destruction of the works and in the absence of treatment, led to the creation of the cavity (cavity) and, ultimately, serious damage to internal tissues, the teeth will be. Tooth decay, the enemy off, a smile is beautiful and can be used in case of differences. unpleasant consequences, including pain, infection and even loss of teeth, have.

This article aims and training has been supplying you with the essence of rotting teeth, the causes of its creation. methods of prevention and treatment of familiar works. Having enough knowledge in this field, you can shape more effectively than the health of their teeth to protect your smile bright and beautiful for many years longer maintain.

Causes of tooth decay (Caries)

Understand the causes conducive to tooth decay, the first step in the Prevention of this disease. A set of factors together can lead to the decay are:

  • Oral bacteria: The oral cavity, environmental, suitable for growing a variety of bacteria. Some of these bacteria by feeding of glucose and Carbohydrates available in the diet, the acid they produce. The acid gradually, the enamel is worn, and the grounds for the decay provides. (Enamel: Enamel)
  • Non-compliance with oral hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing teeth dragging, the main methods of cleansing the teeth of plaque (Dental Plaque) are. The plaque, etc. layer Adhesions that contain bacteria and food residues, respectively. The lack of hygiene of the mouth, leading to the accumulation of plaque and, consequently, increase of harmful bacteria and acid produced by them.
  • Improper diet: Excessive consumption of sugary foods and Carbohydrates refined, is a suitable substrate for the growth of harmful bacteria and make acid provides. Drinks, sweet like soda and Juices industrial can also be consumed in the form of non-normative., the risk of Decay will increase.
  • Dry mouth (Xerostomia): Insufficient saliva in the mouth that can be caused by taking certain medications or medical conditions, be specific, one of the other factors conducive to decay is considered. Saliva naturally contains minerals that strengthen enamel and neutralize the acid produced by bacteria helps.
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The symptoms of tooth decay (Caries)

The symptoms of tooth decay

Tooth decay in its early stages, usually asymptomatic, and the diagnosis, it just examination exact dentist and Photographs radiography possible is paramount. With the progress of decay, etc. the following symptoms may occur found out:

  • Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold: Pain shooting short-term when drinking or eating food cool or warm, it can be a sign of early decay is. (Dentin)
  • Spots, white, or brown on the teeth: Change the color of the teeth, especially spots, white, and Brown the surface of the teeth, etc. could refer to the beginning of the rot is.
  • Dental pain: In the stages of advanced decay, with a reach of injury to the inner layer of the tooth , for dental pain constantly or shooting Deadly is felt. (Dental pulp: Pulp)
  • Perforation of the tooth: Create cavities in teeth, a sign of obvious decay is advanced, which requires immediate treatment industry.

A variety of tooth decay (Caries)

Tooth decay, on the basis of location, create it divided into several types that include:

  • Rot interdental: This type of decay in the regions of contact between two teeth (usually incisors) is created and because of the access more difficult, in the early stages, it is recognizable by the person difficult.
  • Decay level rodent: This type of decay in the grooves and the surface of The teeth, rear (the mill and the mill) is created. Stay particles of food in the area, and failure to observe proper oral hygiene, and. pave the incidence of this type of rot. (Slots rodent: Pits and Fissures)
  • Rot, mainly on the gums : This type of Decay near the gum line and the root of the tooth is created. CF Recession or going back the gums and become the root of the teeth, etc. can create this type of Decay, have a role.

The effects of tooth decay (Caries)

The lack of timely treatment, tooth decay can lead to serious consequences that include:

  • Infection: Of harmful bacteria in the absence of clearing, etc. can lead to the nerve and blood vessels inside the tooth (the pulp) and lead to infection and inflammation (Pulpitis) are. This infection can be severe pain and throbbing to be.
  • Dental abscess The progress of infection of the dental pulp can lead to the creation of Dental abscess to be. abscess teeth. accumulation of pus at the end of the root of the tooth, which can cause pain, swelling of the face, and even Fever be.
  • The death nerve, the tooth: In the absence of treatment, the infection of the pulp, the nerve, the tooth (Pulp Necrosis) go away. In these conditions, the teeth other than heat and cold sensitivity doesn't show it. but still prone to fractures, and the need to treat the root is. (Root treatment: Root Canal Treatment)
  • Tooth loss: In the event that tooth decay timely treated and structures instead, the teeth of reach, you may lead to become loose and eventually loss of teeth to be.
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Prevention of tooth decay (Caries)
The Prevention of dental caries

The good news is that compliance with tips simple below, can be greatly the incidence of tooth decay prevention, said:

  • Observe oral hygiene: Brushing teeth at least twice a day for two minutes and floss his or her teeth daily, the main methods of prevention of decay to the archipelago. The use of an electric toothbrush can be helpful in clearing the better the teeth to be effective. (An electric toothbrush: Electric Toothbrush)
  • Healthy diet: Reduce the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates and replace them with foods rich in vitamins and minerals is to maintain the health of the teeth helps. Consumption of fruits and vegetables, can also be due to the property of cleaning natural, in the cleanliness of the teeth involved.
  • Regular visits to the dentist: Checkups dental and do Fluoride therapy, the early diagnosis of caries and Prevention of side effects, the more serious it helps. Fluoride material is mineral that tooth enamel to strengthen it against acid-resistant lays. Fluoride therapy
  • Using mouthwashes containing fluoride: Use daily Mouthwashes contains fluoride, especially after dental floss, drag, etc. can be used to complete the process of the clearing the teeth and strengthens the enamel, they help.

Treatment of tooth decay (Caries)

Treatment of tooth decay, based on the severity and depth of the decay is different. In the early stages of the decay, etc., usually with the following methods can be attributed to the restoration of teeth, the action will:

  • Fluoride treatment: In the event that the decay process is very initial line. May the dentist prescribe Mouthwashes contains fluoride, high viscosity or do Fluoride therapy topical, etc. to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and stop the process of Decay, take action.
  • Tooth filling (Restoration): Created in the form of cavity small teeth. the dentist uses special material to fill the cavity, Iran. This material, usually of the genus Composite tooth-colored (Tooth-Colored, Composite), amalgam (amalgam: Amalgam) are. Composite tooth-colored in terms of beauty and matching with the color of the adjacent teeth, etc. preferred, but amalgam in terms of durability and strength, etc. excels. The dentist according to the location and extent of decay, the best article restorative selects.
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With the progress of decay, and engaging layers of the internal teeth (دنتین), the treatment methods more sophisticated is needed:

  • Inlay & Onlay : In the event that the decay is a significant part of the surface teeth involved in it. but the overall structure of the teeth preserved in ... of the methods of restorative use. inlay and Onlay pieces of tooth-colored are for the adhesive in the cavity of the tooth is treated.
  • Veneer tooth (Crown): In the event that the decay of the Deep is a large part of the tooth structure is missing, is. to maintain and strengthen the tooth needs to be Plated Is. Veneer teeth, a full lining from ceramic, etc. پیرفلن, or a combination of them, is the teeth, shaving eaten placed.

In cases of very advanced decay, which leads to spinal cord bruise (Pulp Necrosis), or severe infection (Abscess) is, you may need endodontic treatment (Root Canal Treatment) is. In this way, with out nervous tissue and vascular infectious inside the tooth (the pulp), to keep the root of the tooth and the possibility of placement of the veneer on it, will be discussed.

In rare cases, and in the event that the structure of the tooth to the severity of the destruction, is the possibility of maintenance, it exists, it is possible to pull the teeth (Tooth Extraction) is needed.

Final words

Tooth decay, etc. the problem is preventable. Compliance with oral hygiene, proper, etc., having a healthy diet and a regular visit to the dentist, etc., can be greatly the incidence of this disease and its complications prevented. Early diagnosis of caries is also very important, because the treatment of the early stages of decay, etc. easier, etc. less expensive And Less complicated are. In case you have any questions or concerns about the health of their teeth, make sure with the dentist consultation session.

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