زمان مطالعه: ۵ دقیقه

Herpes lips, which is the scientific term for it is “herpes simplex lips (Oral Herpes)” or “inflammation of the oral-lips caused by the herpes simplex virus type one (HSV-1)” said, a complication is common that creates incidence small and painful on the lips or around the mouth is.

This article, with the aim of increasing awareness of dental patients, the comprehensive review herpes big deals. In this document, while the introduction of the nature of the viral this procedure. signs and symptoms of it described, and effective strategies for the prevention, treatment and oral care when catching herpes to provide.

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Causes of herpes lips

Cold sore lip caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus type one (HSV-1). This virus is highly contagious and has spread through direct contact with an infected person, such as kissing or sharing personal items, etc. is transferred. After first catching on. the virus can be latent in nerve cells for stay and in certain conditions, the re-activated.

Stimulating factors herpes

  • Weak immune system (caused by disease, stress and lack of sleep)
  • Exposure to bright sunlight
  • Hormonal changes (especially during menstruation)
  • Fever and other infections
  • Pathology, oral (like biting the lip)

The signs and symptoms before the onset of herpes lips

  • سوزن سوزن شدن، خارش یا سوزش در ناحیه لب (معمولا ۱-۲ روز قبل از بروز تاول)
  • Create redness and swelling in the area of the
  • Emerging incidence small contains a liquid, transparent or yellow color
  • Bursting تاولها and create wounds on the lips
  • Feel the pain, burning, or tingling in the area of the wound

The possible complications of herpes lips

In rare cases, etc., herpes, lips can lead to complications جدیتری be, especially in people with weak immune system. These side effects include:

  • Infections, secondary bacterial
  • Inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis هرپسی)
  • Meningitis (inflammation of the screens, the brain and spinal cord)
  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation)

Detection of herpes lips

Usually, the detection of herpes with a physical examination of the simple by the dentist are. In rare cases, you may be subject to differential diagnosis from other عارضات, oral, etc. needed to do the tests diagnostic of a particular.

Prevention of herpes lips 

  • From direct contact with people suffering from herpes, especially at the time of تاولها, etc. refused to see.
  • To share personal items like towels, Cup, toothbrush, lipstick, avoid you.
  • To strengthen the immune system, nutrition, healthy mind, as not enough sleep, and stress management.
  • In the event of exposure to bright sunlight, from sunscreen with SPF convenient to use.
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Cure herpes lips

Although the definitive treatment for herpes lips are not there, fortunately, failure to relieve the symptoms of distress, this side effect and shorten course of the disease is available. These strategies can be classified in two general categories of therapies and drug treatments divided into:

  1. Treatments homemade cold sore lip:

  • Cold compresses: قرار دادن کمپرس سرد به مدت ۱۰ تا ۱۵ دقیقه و چندین بار در روز بر روی ناحیه تبخال، به کاهش درد، التهاب و تورم associated with the outbreak can be highly beneficial.
  • Vaseline: Use Vaseline as a moisturizer, it can be to maintain moisture in the lips, etc. to prevent dry and cracked wound and accelerate the healing process help.
  • Aloe vera: The gel of aloe vera is due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, your, etc. can be used to relieve burning, itching, and redness caused by herpes help.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil due to fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties and anti-viral, etc., can improve wound, herpes and reduce inflammation, help it.
  • Green tea: Drinking green tea due to antioxidants abundant, can be used to strengthen the immune system and accelerates the recovery process herpes help.
  • Lemon juice: Rub the lemon juice directly on the wound, herpes, etc. because of the acidic it, can be drying and removing of help. (Note: Due to the property of acidic, the use of lemon juice may be irritation of the cause. In case of burning sensation, etc., taking to stop.)
  • Salt: شستشوی دهان با محلول آب نمک گرم (۱/۲ قاشق چایخوری نمک در یک لیوان آب گرم) می‌تواند به ضدعفونی کردن دهان و تسریع روند بهبودی تبخال کمک کند.

Tip: Before using any home remedy, especially items that are directly on the wound, apply, make sure to consult with your doctor to lack of sensitivity or interfere with other drugs and their make sure.

  1. Drug treatments:

  • Antiviral drugs: Antiviral medication orally or topically, such as no effect! (آcyclovir) or والاسیکلوویر (valacyclovir) can inhibit virus replication, etc. to shorten the course of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, herpes help. Taking these medications should be immediately after viewing the first symptoms of herpes, the beginning, and according to the doctor continue.
  • Painkillers: Analgesics without a prescription, such as acetaminophen (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen (ibuprofen) can relieve pain and fever associated with the outbreak.
  • Topical numbing cream: کرمهایی such as lidocaine (lidocaine) can be temporary and topical, pain and irritation caused by herpes relief alternative.
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Tip: In case of any side effects resulting from taking antiviral drugs or painkillers, etc. to discontinue the drug and to check with your physician.

Care Oral When herpes lips

When catching herpes, for observing proper hygiene of the mouth and teeth of particular importance is. Highlights in this area include:

  • Keeping a clean mouth: Regular brushing and floss his or her teeth to maintain good oral hygiene and the incidence of secondary infections and prevent.
  • Use of toothbrush and dental floss separate: For the Prevention of transmission of the virus to other areas of the mouth, toothbrush and dental floss individual at a time, catching herpes to use.
  • To refrain from manipulation of the wound: Handling or digging تاولها and sores, herpes can cause worsening of symptoms and increased risk of infection.
  • Drinking enough fluids: Fluid intake amounted to enough to stay hydrated body and improve faster herpes helps.
  • Balanced diet: Having a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system, and improve the recovery process helps.

The importance of a visit to the dentist

In most cases, a cold sore lip for on their own within one to two weeks improve. However, in some circumstances, a visit to the clinic میوادنت is essential:

  • The first time that suffered herpes lips one by one.
  • The symptoms of herpes lips, severe, and endure the pain for you is difficult.
  • Herpes on the lips, a period of more than two weeks, not removed.
  • Other symptoms, such as fever, chills, or swelling of the lymph nodes expertise.
  • Immune system weak you have (due to diseases of the pitches, such as AIDS or consumption of certain drugs).
  • Herpes in regions sensitive, such as eyes or around the mouth is created.

The dentist can prescribe appropriate medications and provide necessary instructions to the recovery process help you.

Why Clinic Dental میوادنت to choose?

  • Expert team: In the clinic میوادنت, etc. a team of dedicated servers and متخصصترین dentists in all areas of dentistry, including restoration, عصبکشی., the surgeries of the mouth, implants, etc. of orthodontics, etc., beauty, dental, and ... working are. This is guaranteed to provide quality services and accurate you will be.
  • Modern equipment: Clinic میوادنت equipped with the newest technology and dental equipment in the world is. The use of this equipment, the possibility of providing services with the highest level of accuracy and quality provides and helps you to experience optimal and without pain during the treatment in mind.
  • Full respect for the health and sterilization: In the clinic میوادنت, hygiene and sterilization environment of the priorities of the basic yogurt. We are fully principles of Health in all parts of the clinic, and observe, We of the health and safety of you during treatment to make sure we.
  • Space calming: Our clinic میوادنت we try to space, calm and stress-free for you provide. This is especially true for patients who have anxiety, dental, suffering, etc. can be very important to be.
  • Services free consultation: Before starting any treatment. free consultation service provided to you is with our specialists about your needs and ... expectations and the best therapeutic approach to self-talk.
  • The variety of services and features: In the clinic میوادنت, etc. a wide range of dental services to provide you will all your needs in one place, be fulfilled.
  • Affordable prices and conditions of payment of installment: Our clinic میوادنت, etc. costs منصفانهای for its services in the UCI as well as the possibility of paying installment to facilitate treatment, provide you have.
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Dental services offered at the clinic میوادنت:

  • Diagnosis and treatment: diagnostic and treatment services, comprehensive in all areas of Dentistry
  • Pediatric Dentistry: provide dental services with an approach, especially children, and to create the environment cheerful and fun for them
  • Laboratory dental monitoring: the utilization of laboratory dedicated and experienced dental, etc. in order to build soft, etc. بریسها and other prostheses and dental implants with the highest quality and accuracy

The key factors in choosing a dental clinic میوادنت are:

  • The expertise and experience of dentists: Dentists clinic میوادنت, the knowledge, and experience high in various fields of dentistry are entitled and can be the best and most appropriate treatment for you prescribed them.
  • Quality service and equipment: Clinic میوادنت equipped with the most modern equipment and technologies of the day is born and dental services with the highest level of quality you provide.
  • Location and access: Clinic میوادنت in the right place and with easy access is located, so you can easily refer to it.
  • Price and payment conditions: Clinic میوادنت costs منصفانهای for their services is considered, and the possibility to pay the installment will also provide for you that.
  • Comments and experiences of other patients: You can refer to the website and social pages the clinic میوادنت., the opinions and experiences of other patients in the study to see if their consent, the services of the Center, sure.

With a choice of dental clinic میوادنت., the smile and The health of mouth and teeth To our mind.

To get a free consultation and booking turns to contact us.


Cold sore lip complication common viral and that comply with the health and strengthen the immune system, reliable control of the industry. In the event of catching herpes, for compliance with the tips care mentioned in this article and refer a timely manner to the dentist can to improve faster the symptoms and prevent the possible complications of help.




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