Helpful or harmful being, fluoride
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Have you ever in case, helpful or harmful, being fluoride and its effects on the health of the teeth and mouth, your curious one by one? Do you want to know fluoride is really what effect on the teeth you? In this article, it is comprehensive to the review helpful or harmful being fluoride'll pay and guidance to maintain the best Oral health Provide, we will.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral that is found in nature, and as one of the most important factors in maintaining the health of the teeth, is considered. This material is widely used in oral hygiene products used, including toothpaste, mouth water and aqueous solutions, watering mouth.

Helpful or harmful being fluoride : a look into the two sides of the coin

Being useful:

  • Strengthen the organs dental: Fluoride with the formation of the layers of protection on the surface of teeth, erosion, and destruction prevents them strengthens and increases the resistance of teeth is.
  • Prevention of images of darkness: Fluoride can be formed from the images of darkness and spots dental stop, and the teeth to sparkling white, keeps the.
  • The Prevention of the accumulation of bacteria: Fluoride as an antiseptic, natural action, and from the accumulation of bacteria destructive in the mouth and forming plaque, prevent.

Being harmful:

  • Excessive use: Taking too much fluoride may be, especially in children, leading to problems such as teeth, sullied (فلوروز) that looks, beauty, teeth and affects.
  • Toxicity in very rare cases: The consumption of fluoride in very high amounts can rarely lead to the toxicity of fluoride is that symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms of toxicity is related.
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اختصاصیترین helpful or harmful being fluoride:

Helpful or harmful being fluoride as one of the important ingredients in maintaining good oral health is known, but should be carefully and in the proper amount of consumed. Improper use of fluoride can lead to problems such as فلوروز lead, which influences the beauty of the teeth, it decreases. From the other side, the consumption of regular-and-true, fluoride can lead to prevention of dental diseases help and teeth strong and healthy.

Guidelines and recommendations for the operation better than fluoride:

  1. Regular use of products containing fluoride: Use toothpaste, solutions watering mouth and mouth water contains fluoride on a regular basis can help to maintain the health of the mouth and teeth help.
  2. Balanced intake: The proper intake of fluoride, without excesses or deficiencies, etc. take advantage of.
  3. A visit to the dentist: It is always advisable ago from the use of new products or changes in the methods of their dental health, etc. consult with your dentist.

Frequently asked questions about fluoride:

  1. Does fluoride for children is harmful?
    • Generally, the use balanced fluoride is safe for children, but it is better to consume it under the terms of pediatric dentists do.
  2. How can I get the proper amounts of fluoride for my family I use?
    • With the advice of your dentist, you can program suitable for the use of fluoride for yourself and your family adjust.
  3. Can I fluoride in your own home prepare?
    • The use of products containing fluoride from pharmacies and stores health is the best option, because they are accurate to standard settings fluoride by means of.


Helpful or harmful being fluoride is one of the most important factors in maintaining good oral health is not that with proper use, and balanced it. you can use the benefits of it benefit you from problems related to the excessive consumption of it to prevent. It is always advisable ago from changes in the methods of their dental health, etc. consult with your dentist to get the best advice and solutions to offer you.

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We hope that this article will give you in a better understanding of the beneficial or harmful being fluoride and the importance of maintaining good oral health, be helped. If you have questions or need advice, the more you have, you can always connect with the team, please contact us. Maintaining good oral health, your priority.

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