زمان مطالعه: ۲ دقیقه

Dental floss is one of the main tools dental and oral health is to clean the spaces between the teeth and the Prevention of condensation and the accumulation of elite and the leftover food is used. In this paper, to investigate a variety of dental floss, the benefits and importance of using it, how to use the correct and the most important items that must be considered, etc. we will. Of dental floss in order to maintain dental hygiene can be used. With the cleaning of the spaces between the teeth, this tool is capable of remaining, food, elite and نواخر well destroy. Regular use of dental floss, to prevent and reduce the risk of diseases such as density and also infection of the gums can help. In the market, different types of dental floss available. Yarn tooth, soft, suitable for people who are teeth are sensitive or planning to have. Yarn tooth رنخته, for people who have implants, etc. techniques in orthodontics or bridges, Dental Implants Are. are suitable. Also, yarn, tooth some property, such as the performance of anti-bacterial or lacking elongation are based on the need of each person, to be elected. How to use dental floss properly is very important. To start, lie down dental floss is completely important, so that you can be part of yarn easily in your hands for you. Then, using the manner of a partner leaving the yarn in between the teeth sides, right and left teeth together and connect. When you move the yarn to the side of the gums, etc. should be are slight press to the gums access. After performing this operation for each teeth. well time to see the yarn dirty to a clean section of yarn to be transferred again to the teeth, another use. Plus, some tips to keep in be. The first tip, but sort of dental floss is very important. Use dental floss at least once a day, for at least two minutes is recommended. Also, in case of having problems, dental specific, such as gums, bleeding, or pain, be sure to visit your dentist. He may for you تجویزاتی such as dental floss appropriate, more specific techniques, cleaning, or products other side have. In this paper, dental floss, and its importance in maintaining dental health was examined. Use regular and proper dental floss as a tool of underlying health, etc. can prevention of disease and maintaining good oral health, help.

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