Implants, all-digital
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Implants, all-digitalOn. a new method for Precision Planting teeth that uses advanced technology, etc., smile, beautiful, and lasting for you brings. In this method, all stages of treatment from design to steel, with high precision is done and results, natural and unsatisfactory brings with it.

In the dental clinic میوادنت, we take advantage of the latest technologies in the world and the team of professional dentists, etc., allowing you to take, we confidently xHamster implants, all-digital experience.

In this article we are going to be detailed to introduce the implant all DigitalAnd ... the benefits of it, and the process of doing it, etc. Also, we will tell you why the clinic میوادنت the best choice to do this treatment.

what is digital dental implants


Implants, all digital, a new method and exact in dentistry is the use of advanced technology, etc., smile, beautiful, and lasting for you brings.

The difference implants, all-digital with the traditional methods:

In the traditional method, etc. stages of treatment the implant manually and with the use of the moldings was done that was possible human error in it exist. But in implants, all-digital, all the process with the use of digital equipment and advanced software is the accuracy and speed of the treatment significantly increases.

Steps to perform implants, all-digital:

Implants, all-digital

  1. Scan: At this stage, from the mouth of you, a scan three-dimensional exact, is taken to a virtual model of the teeth and jaw, you will create the be.
  2. The design of the computer: With the use of the art software, etc., implants, and dental veneers for fully customized design are.
  3. The construction of the implant: Implants designed with the use of devices syansy (CNC) with a very high accuracy is made.
  4. Steel: Transplant surgeries, implants, with the use of گاید surgery is done that the accuracy and speed of the action increases.
  5. Dental veneers: Dental veneers, also with the use of Computer-Aided Design built onto the implant placed.
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The benefits of implants, all-digital:

  • High accuracy: Using اسکنهای three-dimensional, design, computer, etc. ایمپلنتها with high precision are made that lead to placement more accurate and more stable them in the jaw bone is.
  • Reduce treatment time: Different stages of treatment in Dental Implants, all-digital for quicker and more accurate is done as a result of the treatment, shorter than the.
  • Reduce the invasion steel: Cuts steel in this method are much smaller and, thus, pain and swelling is less established.
  • Custom design: ایمپلنتها for completely custom for each patient will be designed, which leads to the result زیباییشناختی better and full compliance with the other teeth are.
  • Reduce human errors: With the reliance on digital technology, the probability of human error during the treatment to a minimum, it seems.

With the use of implants, all-digital, you can smile more natural and functional hand find.

Why implants, all-digital is the best choice?

Implants, all-digital

Implants, all digital, with the use of advanced technology and unsurpassed accuracy., the many benefits compared to traditional methods of dental implant surgery, there is. Read on to some of the most important of these advantages refer to the following:

  • More accurately: Using اسکنهای three-dimensional detailed design, computer, etc. ایمپلنتها carefully mm made, and in their place are. This would lead to more stability of the implant and reduce the likelihood of problems, the next will be.
  • Reduce treatment time: Different stages of treatment in Dental Implants, all-digital for quicker and more accurate is done as a result of the treatment, shorter than the.
  • Reduce the invasion steel: Cuts steel in this method are much smaller and, thus, pain and swelling is less established. Also, quicker recovery to follow.
  • Custom design: ایمپلنتها for completely custom for each patient will be designed, which leads to the result زیباییشناختی better and full compliance with the other teeth are.
  • Increased confidence: Having teeth beautiful and functional with. great influence in increasing the confidence of people. Implants, all-digital with the presentation of a smile, natural and beautiful, will help you to more confidently smile.
  • Durable: Compliance with the necessary care., the implants to all the digital can be a very long life and have like natural teeth act.
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Compared with the methods of traditional implants, all-digital the following benefits as well:

  • Reduce the likelihood of infection: Due to the high precision in surgery, and the use of quality materials, the probability of infection in implants, all-digital is very low.
  • Reduce the risk of damage to the nerves: Using گاید surgery. the risk of damage to the nerves and other surrounding tissues to a minimum, it seems.
  • The possibility of predicting the outcome of treatment: With the use of software design, it can be done before surgery. the final result of the therapy for three-dimensional observed, and if needed, make any necessary changes, apply Kurdish  

Considering all the benefits mentioned, implants, all-digital is the best choice for people who is looking for a permanent replacement, etc. nice and functional for teeth lost their own.

Dental clinic میوادنت., the selective clever to implant all-digital

Dental clinic میوادنت By taking advantage of the latest technologies of the world and a team of experienced dentists, specialists, as one of the top centers provide services, implants, all-digital in the country, is known.

Why میوادنت for?

  • Advanced equipment: Clinic میوادنت to equipment improvements, such as devices syansy (CNC), the scanners and three-dimensional software design, dental equip is possible to provide services of the highest quality, it provides.
  • Expert team: Dentists and specialists clinic میوادنت with years of experience and expert knowledge in the field of implant, etc. to give you the best treatment will provide.
  • Quiet and sterile: Clinic میوادنت with modern interior design and space calm, environmental, suitable for dental procedures has provided.
  • Service update: In addition to the implant, all digital, clinic میوادنت a wide range of dental services, including beauty, treatments, root, prosthetics and orthodontics offers.
  • Free consultation: Before carrying out any treatment, you can free consultation specialists clinic میوادنت benefit you.


Frequently asked questions about implants, all-digital

Implants, all-digital

In this section, to some of the Frequently Asked Questions about implants, all-digital will respond:

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Common questions:

  • Implants, all-digital, how long will it take? Duration of treatment to several factors, such as the number of teeth lost, the jaw bone and the complexity of the treatment depends. But generally, the early stages of treatment (scan, design and manufacture of implants) compared to the traditional methods is shorter.
  • Do implants, all-digital painful? Before surgery, a combination of local anesthesia is used, no pain not feel. After surgery may also be some slight discomfort feel that with the consumption of designed as prescribed by your doctor manageable.
  • Do all people a good candidate for implants, all-digital, are they? People who have good general health and لثههای are healthy, etc. a good candidate for implants are. But people who have diseases of the pitches, such as diabetes, heart disease, or some diseases of the gums have, you may need reviews will have more.
  • The cost of the implants, all-digital, how much is it? The cost of the implant to several factors, such as the number of ایمپلنتها, the type of materials used and the complexity of the treatment depends. To know the exact cost, etc. it is better clinic میوادنت call.
  • Do implants, all-digital top shelf there? Compliance with oral hygiene and a regular visit to the dentist, implants, all-digital can be a very long life and have like natural teeth act.
  • Do implants, all-digital insurance covered as ... Now, dental implants are usually covered by insurance is not. But some insurance update may be part of the cost of treatment cover.
  • Is it possible with implants, the all-digital naturally food suck? Yes, after a full recovery, you can with the implants, all-digital to easily eat and talk.

For more information and a free consultation, with the dental clinic میوادنت call.

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Address:Tehran, niavaran Street dezashib after the fire alley Falah No. ۴١ واحد ١

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