Mouth drop
زمان مطالعه: ۵ دقیقه

Mouth drop (Aphthous Stomatitis) ulcers of the small, shallow, and harassers that are in the mouth appear. This complication in the so-called folk with the name of the pest is known. Although the backdrop of the mouth can be unpleasant and uncomfortable, but are usually not serious, and within one to two weeks to spontaneously improve. However, in cases of more severe or frequent cases, etc. refer to the dentist to get the treatment and relief of symptoms is essential.

This article is a comprehensive and ... the complete guide to understanding Mouth drop., The possible causes, etc., methods of management and treatment, it puts at your disposal. To study this more, with knowledge and awareness, the more you can with this complication, oral sex you may encounter.

A variety of mouth drop

Mouth drop, based on the size and severity divided into three main categories are:

  • Drop, oral, small (minor): This type is the most common type. Their size is usually less than ۵ mm in diameter, and within a week to ten days without scars heal.
  • Big mouth drop (major): The AFTA are larger (up to ۱ cm diameter) and improve them, may take several weeks. Also, the likelihood of scarring after healing there.
  • (Herpetiform): This type is even rarer, and for a cluster of the same reason, small (۱۰ up ۱۰۰ number) appears. Improve them, usually one to two weeks it takes.

Causes of mouth drop

Mouth drop

The exact cause of creating the backdrop of the mouth is unknown, but several factors can update it have a role, including:

  • Damage: Biting accidental species. brushing the rough or the use of the brace inappropriate can cause the pest they are.
  • Deficiencies nutritional: Deficiency of vitamin B12, iron, zinc and folic acid, may in the incidence of pest mouth involved.
  • Stress: Stress mental health can affect the immune system influenced conducive to the occurrence of the pest are.
  • Hormonal changes: Some women notice a connection between the menstrual cycle and create pest mouth are.
  • Food allergies:Sensitivity to some foods, such as chocolate, coffee, nuts and fruits can in some people cause the pest they are.
  • Diseases of the immune system: Some autoimmune diseases, such as disease, Behcet's disease (Behcet's Disease) with the occurrence of frequent pest of the mouth are associated.
  • Family history: If one of the members of the close family you are the pest mouth with it. more likely to catching it there.

The symptoms of mouth drop

The main symptoms of a drop in the mouth include:

  • Create wounds, small, round or oval shaped center white, or gray and red edge paint
  • Burning sensation or pain in the location of the pest, especially when eating and drinking, especially spicy foods, etc., acidic, or salty
  • Feel unpleasant in the mouth
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In rare cases, etc. pest mouth may be with other symptoms, such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue is associated with. If such signs or symptoms experience you have, make sure to your dentist visit.

Detect mouth drop

Detects drop in the mouth, usually on the basis of an oral examination by a dentist is done. In rare cases, etc. it is possible to exclude other possibilities, the need to perform blood tests are.

Treatment of mouth drop

Cure for mouth drop does not exist, but in different ways for the relief of symptoms and accelerates the recovery process are available, including:

  • Designed topical: Gels or پمادهای contain lidocaine or benzocaine can be temporary pain caused by pest to soothe them.
  • Disinfectant mouthwashes: Using over-the-counter mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine can help reduce oral bacteria and relieve pain.
  • Mouth guard: In the event that the pest caused by biting the cheek to. use a mouth guard can prevent the incidence of re-prevent it.

While a conclusive way for the Prevention of mouth drop does not exist, comply with the following tips, you can likely update it down:

  • Observe proper hygiene of the mouth and teeth: Brushing twice a day and floss his or her teeth daily to remove plaque and bacteria in your mouth helps that could be conducive to the occurrence of the pest to be.
  • Use a soft toothbrush: Brushing intensity, or the use of a toothbrush, frizzy hair can cause sores in the mouth, and be conducive to the occurrence of the pest crafted.
  • Balanced diet: The consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to supply the vitamins and minerals needed by the body helps. The lack of some nutrients can be used in the incidence of pest mouth may be involved.
  • Stress management: Management techniques stress like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can reduce stress and thus reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the pest mouth help.
  • Identify and abstinence from stimulants possible: If you notice the relationship between the consumption of food in particular and the incidence of pest, oral, extreme, try it, food to avoid.
  • A regular visit to the dentist: Checkups dental diagnosis and treatment of early oral problems helps. Your dentist also can be about the ways of prevention from mouth drop to the advice you give.
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The importance of a visit to the dentist

Mouth drop

Although the backdrop of the mouth, usually within one to two weeks to spontaneously improve, in some cases, a visit to the dentist is essential, including:

  • The severity or size of the pest: If pest mouth larger than ۱ cm diameter have, or more than two weeks during the pull, etc. need to visit your dentist.
  • The large number of pest: If simultaneously suffered a lot pest, mouth, body. to visit your dentist.
  • Severe pain: If the pain caused by the pest, oral, severe, and methods of pain relief home not removed, etc. to visit your dentist.
  • Other symptoms: If, besides the pest of the mouth, other symptoms, such as fever, swollen lymph glands, or experience fatigue you, to visit your dentist.
  • The recurrence of pest: If you frequently suffer from pest mouth you, to find the cause of the lands and get the right treatment to the dentist a visit.


Mouth drop complication common that can cause discomfort in the mouth to be. By understanding the possible causes, etc., symptoms and methods of management and treatment, you can, with this effect more effectively you may encounter. Observe proper hygiene of the mouth and teeth. managing stress and having a balanced diet can reduce the probability of the occurrence of the pest mouth help. In case of persistence or severity of the symptoms, to get a diagnosis and proper treatment to your dentist visit.

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