Dental floss or a water jet
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Dental floss or a water jet: the battle for the smile healthy

In this paper, a comparison between these two methods (dental floss or a water jet) followed up with the advantages and disadvantages of each familiar and able to make an informed choice for maintaining the health of the دندانهایتان in mind.

Bacteria in the mouth can lead to gum disease, etc., tooth decay, and even the problems of the more serious they are. To maintain the health of the mouth, brushing alone is not enough and the need for methods to update, like dental floss or a water jet Magento.

The role of the dental floss in the oral health

Dental floss or a water jet


Dental floss Means simple and affordable it is to clean interdental spaces goes to work. These spaces because of the difficult access brushing, the location of the accumulation of plaque and bacteria are. Use regular dental floss to the following helps:

  • Remove plaque and bacteria: Dental floss with the passage of the teeth, etc., No. and what remains of food that a toothbrush be able to delete them. destroys.
  • Prevention of gum disease: Accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the gums can lead to inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), and finally diseases of the more serious of the gums (periodontitis) be. Flossing remove plaque from the area, but the incidence of these diseases, prevention works.
  • Reduce bad breath: Bacteria in the mouth, one of the main causes bad breath. Dental floss with the removal of the bacteria to reducing bad breath helps.
  • Recently, oral: Use regular dental floss creates a feeling of freshness and purity in the mouth is.

Benefits of using dental floss:

Dental floss or a water jet

  • The simplicity and ease of use: Dental floss means کمحجم and portable, is the use of it at any place and time is easy.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Dental floss compared to the waterjet much cheaper.
  • Effective in areas of tight: Dental floss because of the flexibility can be used easily in tight spaces between the dental penetrate.
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Disadvantages of using dental floss:

  • Create from scratch in the gums: In case of commercial use, improper dental floss may cause scratches on the gums to be.
  • Requires skill: Use the correct from dental floss require a little practice and skill.
  • Lack of effectiveness for some people: People who, due to having dentures, etc. bridge or implant access to interdental spaces for them is difficult, you may use the dental floss to them is not functioning.

Waterjet, etc. a new method for oral hygiene


Waterjet is a device that uses a stream of high pressure water, to the clearing the teeth and gums deals. This means overall is appropriate for those who:

  • Use dental floss to them is difficult.
  • Has artificial teeth, etc. bridge or implants are.
  • Gum disease have.

The advantages of waterjet:


  • Ease of use: The use of the waterjet is very easy and requires special skills not.
  • Effective for individuals with a bridge or implant: Waterjet well be around the bridge and implant only.
  • Massage gums: Water flow waterjet makes massage gums to improve circulation of blood in the area helps.
  • Suitable for people with gum disease: Waterjet can be used to wash لثههای inflamed help.

Disadvantages of using a waterjet:

  • Price high: Waterjet towards dental floss is much more expensive.
  • Size and portable, the absence of: Waterjet device and Jagir is that it carries the outdoors difficult.
  • The lack of full functionality of: Waterjet well, dental floss can't to tight spaces between, dental, penetrate, and there may be some پلاکها of battle.
  • Make noise: The use of waterjets with noise, a fairly large along.
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Summing up and conclusion dental floss or a water jet

As in this article, the review was also dental floss and waterjet the advantages and disadvantages of their own. In the ideal., the combination of these two methods can be used to maintain oral hygiene to the best form of help. But in the event that the possibility of using both methods do not have, you can, based on his one of them to choose from.

Guide to choosing the right method between dental floss or a water jet:

  • The simplicity and reasonable price: If you are looking for a way simple, affordable and portable for you. Dental Floss is the perfect choice.
  • The difficulty of the use of dental floss: If the use of dental floss fluids. waterjet can be a good alternative to be.
  • Teeth, artificial bridge or implant: If you have dentures, etc. bridge or implant, you waterjets because of the ease of access to these areas, etc. is a better choice.
  • Gum disease: Next dental floss, use a water jet can also be to improve the condition of the gums help.
  • The speed and ease: If you are looking for a method is quick and requires no special skill for you. waterjet is the perfect choice.

Important tips:

  • Brushing sort: Regardless of whether of which method you use, etc. brushing tidy and correctly (at least two times a day) continues to be the linchpin of oral health to heart failure.
  • Consult with the dentist: In case of doubt, choose the right approach, or have any problem, oral sex, etc., be sure to consult with your dentist. Dentist will check the condition of the mouth and your teeth, it can be the best method for maintaining the health of your mouth would recommend.
  • Use the correct: Use the correct from both methods, importance, there is. To learn how to properly use dental floss and water jet, you can to authoritative sources, or educational videos on the internet, visit
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Compliance with oral hygiene and the appropriate method for clearing between dental implants, you can smile beautiful and healthy in your lifetime, enjoy.

Clinic services میوادنت:


  • Dental Implants: replacement ideal for teeth missing
  • Dental surgery: includes methods for the restoration of teeth, gums or jaw bone
  • Root treatment: rescue دندانهایی who suffered from infection or injury to the nerve has been
  • The beauty of teeth: ways to improve the appearance of teeth, like The بلیچینگ, etc. laminate and ...
  • Composite tooth: repair and improve the appearance of teeth affected
  • The treatment of bruxism: prevent wear of the teeth during sleep or wakefulness

The benefits of choosing clinic میوادنت:

  • Dentists highly qualified and specialist
  • High quality services
  • The prices affordable
  • The use of modern equipment
  • Quiet and pleasant

To get turn online and more information you can go to website of the clinic میوادنت, please visit:

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