The treatment of root in niavaran
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In this article, we are going to comprehensively the topic treatment of root in niavaran, etc.

Why “treat the root in niavaran in?”

Select the niavaran to do Root treatment Could be for various reasons, including the following:

  • Access to experienced professionals: میوادنت in terms of the number and expertise of dentists specializing Root, at a high level is located.
  • Being equipped doctor's office are: میوادنت to have the newest equipment and technology, the world is equipped with that done, accurate, and quality of treatment Root makes it possible.
  • Environment quiet and pleasant: Space dental offices میوادنت usually quiet and pleasant, which is to reduce the anxiety and stress of the patient can help.
  • The favorable geographical position: Niavaran in terms of geographic location, many areas of Tehran, access is easy, there.

Steps to do a root treatment

The treatment of root in niavaran

Root treatment In niavaran Usually, during a meeting with local anesthesia can be done. General steps of this process include:

  1. Diagnosis: First, a Dentist Specialist with the use of clinical examination, photos of radiography and diagnostic tests, to check the condition of the teeth and the need to treat the root of the deals.
  2. Local anesthesia: To numb the area of treatment and reduce any feelings of unpleasant, dentist of local anesthetic used.
  3. Create access: In order to access the pulp of teeth. the dentist proceed to remove part of The مینۀ teeth and create cavities on the track.
  4. Clearing the pulp: Since access to a pulp, dentist using tools, special, etc. attempt to remove the tissue, infected or damaged pulp can be.
  5. Clean and disinfect the root: At this stage, root canals, teeth carefully cleaned and disinfected, which can wipe out the bacteria ensure.
  6. Root canal fillings: After cleansing and sterilization, etc. channels Root with special material can be filled up from the re-entry of bacteria to prevent.
  7. Placing dental veneers: After the completion of the process the treatment of root, in order to protect your teeth and maintain the strength of it. usually need to send the veneer (crown) on the teeth. This veneer can be made of ceramic or synthetic material is.
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The benefits of treating the root

Root treatment  Preserve natural teeth, etc. there are numerous benefits it brings. including:

  • Maintaining good oral health: Preserve natural teeth, the disorganization of order teeth and the incidence of problems arising from it, such as chewing inappropriate and gnaw bone of the jaw to avoid.
  • Maintain the beauty of the smile: Preserve natural teeth to the beauty of the smile and confidence of the person can help.
  • Better performance chew: Natural teeth play an effective role in the process of chewing are. Maintain the natural tooth with Root treatment, to maintain this important function can help.
  • Reduce the cost of therapy: The treatment of the root compared to pulling teeth and replace it with the implant or bridge, etc. in economic terms, it is more affordable.

Care after treatment, the root

After doing Root treatment XHamster abide some tips for faster recovery and maintain the results of treatment is necessary, including:

  • Observe the diet soft: For a few days after the treatment, the roots, especially until the time of the placement of the veneer on the tooth, then it is from the consumption of foods, chopping and chewing firmly avoided.
  • The consumption of housing: In the event of feeling pain after the treatment, you can use painkillers prescribed by a Dentist Specialist in niavaran use.
  • Observe oral hygiene: Brushing and floss his or her teeth regularly, to maintain good oral hygiene and Prevention of infection can help.
  • A visit to the dentist: After the treatment, the root, a visit to the dentist specializing in niavaran, for periodic examination and make sure of the condition of the teeth and Root is required.

Choose the specialist root in niavaran: the importance of experience and skill

The treatment of root in niavaran

Clinic میوادنت with the benefit of specialists, root (endodontist) highly qualified and experienced, from the most advanced dental equipment, and in compliance with the highest standards of health services for treatment of root in the quiet and equipped with their patients in niavaran offers.

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Some of the services the clinic میوادنت in the field of the treatment of the root are:

  • Accurate diagnosis of the need to treat the root: Specialists root clinic میوادنت using clinical examination, etc., photo radiography and other diagnostic procedures, etc. to be precise, the need to treat the root in the tooth, you recognize.
  • Treat the root of the single-channel and multi-channel: Highly qualified specialists clinic میوادنت be able to do root treatment for teeth, single-channel and multi-channel audio with the highest quality requirements.
  • The use of digital radiography: In the clinic میوادنت of digital radiography with the amount of radiation is very low for accurate imaging during the treatment, the root can be used.
  • The use of specialized tools: Employing specialized tools and to the world at the clinic میوادنت, etc. to increase the accuracy and longevity of the treatment of the root can help.
  • The use of high quality materials: In the clinic میوادنت of high-quality materials and have the approval of Health to fill the root canals, can be used.
  • Reduce the pain and discomfort: Specialists root clinic میوادنت with the use of modern techniques and anesthetics, topical, etc. the amount of pain and patient discomfort during the treatment, the root to at least deliver.
  • Perform actions after the treatment, the root: Clinic میوادنت patients after treatment, the root is also about the track and if required, subsequent actions, such as veneers, teeth can do.

The benefits of choosing clinic میوادنت for the treatment of root in niavaran:

  • Team of highly qualified specialists root: Clinic میوادنت of cooperation with the specialists of the root of experienced and competent benefit.
  • Advanced equipment, dental: The use of the newest equipment and technology in the world in the field of the treatment of the root.
  • Observe the highest standards of Health: Strict observance of the principles and protocols, health guarantee the health of patients.
  • Quiet and comfortable: Provide bringing space, calm and stress free for the patients during the treatment.
  • High quality service: Provide specialized services for the treatment of the root with the highest quality and the results lasting.
  • Initial consultation: The possibility of receiving an initial consultation with the specialist Root and information necessary regarding the treatment of the root.
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Frequently asked questions about the treatment of the root in niavaran

In the final section of this article. to some frequently asked questions about The treatment of root in niavaran Respond:

  • Is root treatment painful? With the use of local anesthesia, during treatment of root in niavaran pain feeling won't. May be after the treatment, a little discomfort or pain, there will be that with the consumption of analgesics prescribed manageable.

  • The treatment of root in niavaran how much it takes? Duration of treatment root in niavaran to several factors, such as the number of roots of the teeth and the degree of complexity of the treatment depends. Usually, the treatment of the root during a two-session can be done.

  • Life of a tooth after Root treatment in niavaran how much is it? Compliance with oral hygiene and care after treatment, the teeth restored with the treatment of the root in niavaran can the years durability have.

  • Is there an alternative for the treatment of root in niavaran there? A tooth extraction is the only alternative solution for the treatment of root in niavaran is. But pull the teeth of the negative consequences, such as disorganization of order teeth and reduced ability to chew to follow. For the same reason, to the extent possible, try to keep the natural teeth with endodontic treatment in niavaran can be.

  • Whether, after treatment, the root in niavaran, be sure to have dental veneers placed in? In many cases, in order to protect the teeth and increase the strength of it. after the treatment, the root in niavaran need to put the veneers on the teeth. Dentist specializing according to the conditions of the teeth, particularly the necessity of using veneer decision will be.


The treatment of root in niavaran An effective treatment to retain the natural tooth in the event of infection or injury, the pulp is. By doing this treatment in niavaran can get several benefits, such as maintaining oral and dental health, beauty, smile, yield better chewing and cost-effectiveness in terms of economic, benefit.

If you see the symptoms need to treat the root in the menu to postpone the visit to the Dentist, Specialist, and perform timely treatment is very important.



 Different root canal fillings

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