Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت
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Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت with the help of highly qualified professionals and advanced production equipment, etc., the full spectrum of treatment services, Root offers and helps you a healthy smile and a healthy mind.

Tooth pain is one of the most common problems that people throughout your life with which they are confronted. While some of the pains of dental procedures simple, such as housing, notable fixes are, but in cases where the Nerve teeth (Pulp) had infection or injury is root treatment (عصبکشی) is the only solution to preserve the teeth.

Treat the root of what?

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت

Treatment of roots, that it عصبکشی teeth also said, is a method for removing the nerve and tissue, infectious inside the tooth (the pulp) and save the teeth from dragging goes to work. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves, and in the event that, due to decay and ... a kick to the teeth or other factors. develop the infection or inflammation, etc. can lead to severe pain and persistent teeth to be.

Steps to root treatment clinic میوادنت

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت

The treatment of the root, usually in one or two sessions, done. During the treatment, the following steps by a Dentist Specialist endodontist is done:

  1. Anesthesia: The teeth and the gums around it by injecting local anesthetic numbing it.
  2. Create access: With the creation of a cavity in the crown of the tooth, the space inside the tooth (root canal) access is.
  3. Removal of the nerve: With the use of tools, for., the nerve and tissue, infectious inside the root canal, is removed.
  4. Washing and disinfection: Root canal with the use of the solutions of disinfectants, wash given with any infection, the remaining go away.
  5. Filling the root canal: Root canal with a material called gutta-percha fill the empty space inside the tooth to fully fill.
  6. Dental fillings: The cavity created in the crown of the tooth with a restorative materials such as composite or amalgam filling it.

The benefits of the treatment of the root with the clinic میوادنت

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت has several benefits, including:

  • Preserve natural teeth: Endodontic treatment helps you to natural teeth that may save your life, and drag it and need to be replaced with implants or dentures to prevent.
  • Reduce pain: By removing the nerve and tissue, infectious inside the tooth, pain and inflammation completely disappears.
  • Normal function of teeth: After Root treatment, you can typically of the teeth for chewing and speaking Use.
  • Prevent infection: Treat the root of the spread of infection to other teeth and surrounding tissues to prevent.
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Care after treatment, the root

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت

After the treatment, root, etc. to take care of your teeth and maintain the health of it, you should consider the following tips to follow:

  • Observe oral hygiene: Regularly brush your teeth and floss pull up to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on the teeth and gums to prevent.
  • Checkups: For checkups and check the status of your teeth regularly visit your dentist.
  • Avoid foods stiff and chewy: In the first few days after treatment, the root, from eating foods stiff and chewy that can lead to tooth damage, " he said. 't refuse.

The cost of treatment of the roots with the clinic میوادنت

The cost of treating the root to several factors, such as the number of teeth required for the treatment, complexity of treatment, and geographic location, the clinic depends on. For detailed information of the cost of the treatment of the root with the clinic میوادنت, you can contact us and schedule a consultation with our specialists to make the booking.


The symptoms need to treat the root

In some cases, the person might be any symptoms is not, and the need to treat the root based on the photos, radiographs, by the dentist diagnosed. But generally, the most common symptoms of the need to treat the roots are:

  • Dental pain: The pain caused by the infection or inflammation of the nerve, the tooth can be used for shooting drag, pulsatile, or be persistent. This pain may be on their own, or when you chew the food created.
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold: The teeth may be attributed to the heat and cold sensitivity, intense show.
  • Swelling in the gums: The gums around the teeth, infectious diseases may be swollen, red and sensitive.
  • There is pus in the mouth: In some cases, may be pus from the end of the roots of the teeth out.
  • Change the color of the teeth: Dental infectious it is possible to time-lapse dark or بدرنگ be.

Who is a good candidate for the treatment of Root are?

Root treatment for people whose teeth they are experiencing an infection or inflammation of the nerve is, it can be a good choice to be. To know whether a good candidate for the treatment of root for you. it is required by the Dentist, Specialist exam sure. In the event that your teeth fractures have severe or jaw bone around it suffered from the analysis of the extreme is, you may drag the tooth and its replacement with implants, the option to have a better be.

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The possible complications of the treatment of the root

Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت a therapy is safe and effective, but like any another surgery, you may have minor side effects to be followed. These side effects are usually mild and are temporary, and after a few days, relieved they are. Some of the possible complications of the treatment of the root are:

  • Discomfort and mild pain after the treatment: Pain and slight discomfort after the treatment, the root is natural and usually with analgesics is manageable.
  • Swelling of the gums: After the treatment, root, etc. May the gums around the tooth, a little swollen, the swelling also usually within a few days will go away.
  • Tooth sensitivity: In some cases, may be the teeth after the treatment, to heat and cold sensitive. This sensitivity usually, over time, the fix is.
  • Fracture tool: In rare cases, you may the tool used in the treatment of the root within the root canal to be broken. In this case, likely to bring out the instrument broken, need to steel Endo is.
  • The lack of success of the treatment: In some cases, due to the complexity of the root canal, or there is a severe infection, treatment Root fails. In this case, you may need surgery or a tooth extraction is.

Frequently asked questions about the treatment of the root with the clinic میوادنت

Read on to some of the Frequently Asked Questions about the treatment of the root of the answer given is:

  • Is root treatment painful? No, with the injection of local anesthetic., the pain during the treatment, the feeling won't. May be after the treatment, a little discomfort or pain in mind that with analgesics is manageable.
  • Root treatment how long will it take? The treatment of the root, usually in one or two sessions, done. Duration of treatment to the complexity of the root canal and the extent of the infection depends on.
  • Do after the treatment, the root of the need for dental veneers (Prosthesis) Is? In many cases, especially when the teeth severely decayed is to protect the teeth and increase its strength, the need to veneer teeth. Dentist specializing based on your teeth, about the need to recap, the decision will be.
  • Life of a tooth after Root treatment how much is it? With proper care of the teeth and hygiene of the mouth and teeth. teeth root treatment can be up to many years of durability have.

Select a clinic میوادنت for the treatment of Root

Choose the clinic suitable for the treatment of Root, one of the most important decisions that you can for your oral health to consider. Clinic میوادنت with its highly qualified specialists, etc. advanced equipment and environment safe and gentle, the ideal option to do the treatment of the root is considered. The following are some of the reasons for choosing clinic میوادنت to cure the root, we will:

  1. Highly qualified professionals and trained:
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Team of dentists, specialist endodontist clinic میوادنت, the PRC and کارآزمودهترین specialists in the field of the treatment of the roots are. These specialists with experience and high skills, treatment, root carefully, and very delicately done and help you the best results from this treatment get.

  1. Modern equipment and advanced:

Clinic میوادنت to the most modern and most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment is equipped with. The use of this equipment to dentists, we allow the treatment of the root with accuracy and speed, do more, and the quality of treatment will dramatically increase.

  1. Environmental, safe and quiet:

Our understanding of the importance of the peace and security of you during treatment. we have a safe environment and relaxed will provide for you, we. Highly qualified personnel and خوشبرخورد we also in all stages of treatment alongside, you will be a sense of security and comfort to your gifts.

  1. Provide high-quality services:

Our clinic میوادنت're committed to building the best and باکیفیتترین services you provide. Observance of sanitary standards, the use of materials and accessories of high quality and quality, and offer services with tariff fair, including the basics, we offer the service to you.

  1. The satisfaction of you, our main goal:

Your satisfaction from our service a priority of our work is located. We have all your efforts, we experience pleasant and unique for you at the clinic میوادنت provide.

Select a clinic میوادنت for the treatment of Root, namely, the selection of Health, Beauty, and confidence.

For reservation time, advice, and information of the cost of the treatment of the root with the clinic میوادنت contact us.


Root treatment with the clinic میوادنت an effective treatment to keep teeth is normal. If symptoms such as dental pain, swelling, gums, or sensitivity to heat and cold, to experience with you. for detection and timely treatment to the dentist, see an expert. Clinic میوادنت with the help of a specialist