Wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت
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This article is comprehensive as a complete guide for patients about wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت act. Here, to investigate the different aspects of this process, including signs and symptoms of the need for surgery. the benefits of doing it. stages of surgery, intensive care after the surgery and possible complications will be discussed.

In this article, teeth, and the wisdom, which, as the teeth, the third also known metabolites. set the end of the teeth are in the mouth of adult individuals appear. Usually ۱۷ تا ۲۵ سالگی grow and at the end of each dental arch, at the top and the bottom. However, in some cases, teeth, wisdom may be fully or partially under the gums lies they are to grow properly, " he said. This situation can lead to problems such as pain, infection, and damage to the adjacent teeth to be. In such cases, the wisdom tooth surgery by highly qualified specialists, dental, like the clinic میوادنت is recommended.

This article is comprehensive as a complete guide for patients about wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت act. Here, to investigate the different aspects of this process, including signs and symptoms of the need for surgery. the benefits of doing it. stages of surgery, intensive care after the surgery and possible complications will be discussed.

Signs and symptoms of the need for wisdom tooth surgery

The first step is to determine the need for surgery wisdom teeth, identify symptoms and signs associated with it. Some of the most common of these symptoms include:

  • Pain:Pain in the gums, etc., jaw, or ear may indicate the period or the growth of inappropriate wisdom tooth is.
  • Swelling and redness:Inflammation and redness of the gums around the wisdom teeth, especially if associated with pain is, it can be from the symptoms of infection or other problems, be.
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth:In some cases, the growth of wisdom teeth can cause limited range of motion of the joint of the jaw, and difficulty in opening the mouth to be.
  • Unpleasant taste mouth:Bad breath or unpleasant taste in the mouth can be due to infection or accumulation of food around the impacted wisdom tooth is.
  • The emergence of wisdom teeth to tilt or unordered:If wisdom teeth are crooked or unordered from the gums, etc. can lead to teeth adjacent pressure and to harm them.

The benefits of wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت

Wisdom tooth surgery, etc., despite the challenges that may accompany it. there are numerous benefits for the health of mouth and teeth, you brings. Some of the highlights of these advantages include:

  • Prevention of dental problems:Prevent the occurrence of various problems of dental and jaw, such as infection, etc., abscesses, etc. cysts, etc. decay of adjacent teeth, and damage to structures around the mouth.
  • Reduce the pain and discomfort:Relieve pain, inflammation and discomfort caused by an impacted wisdom tooth or unordered.
  • Improve dental health:Create more space for cleaning teeth and gums, which in turn to improve the oral health helps.
  • Prevent damage to the roots of the adjacent teeth:Prevent strain and injury to the roots of the adjacent teeth, which can lead to their loss in the future.
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The steps of wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت

Wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت by surgeons and specialists, highly qualified dentistry with the use of advanced techniques and modern equipment is done. General steps of this process are as follows:

  • Examination and consultation:
    At first, your dentist with an oral examination and teeth, you check the photos of Radiology, the teeth, the wisdom you to accurately assess. At this stage, the surgeon in detail about the surgery, including type of anesthesia or anesthesia. action steps, and care after surgery will talk with you.
  • Anesthesia, or anaesthesia:To ensure your comfort during surgery. a combination of local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. Local anesthesia, only the area around the wisdom tooth to numb it. while general anesthesia, you completely to sleep.
  • Steel : Small cut on the gums, creating up to wisdom tooth is accessed. Then, it is possible to ease out the teeth. it was divided to smaller sections does. Finally, the surgeon socket or cavity, empty the remaining teeth cleaned and stitched to produce.
  • Close the stitches:After wisdom teeth, to close the cutting of sutures absorbable or impossible to attract is used.

Care after wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت

Strict observance Care After wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت for a fast recovery and preventing complications is very important. Clinic میوادنت after surgery. guidelines of care to in writing, puts at your disposal. Some of the most important tips, self-care include:

  • Control bleeding:After surgery, some bleeding is normal. To control bleeding, sterile gauze gently on the location of the steel, natural gas, call, and the gentle pressure enter. You can do this for ۱۵ up ۲۰ minutes, repeat.
  • Reduce swelling:To reduce inflation, you can use a cold compress on the cheek of your use. Compresses to the duration ۱۰ up ۱۵ minutes on any of your hold and then ۲۰ minutes rest. This cycle in the first few hours after surgery, every few hours, repeat.
  • Soft diet:In the first few days after surgery. foods, soft and cool like soup, puree سیبزمینی and yogurt to use. Consumption of foods amazing.... hot, spicy and acidic, which can irritate the surgical site are ... not.
  • Observe oral hygiene:Oral hygiene after surgery, wisdom teeth is very important. Use a soft toothbrush and mouthwash comfortable to slowly around the surgical site clean. From brushing directly on the location of your stitches refused to see.
  • Consumption of prescribed medications:Medications prescribed by the dentist, such as painkillers and آنتیبیوتیکها, etc. will according to the order of consumption.
  • Adequate rest:Rest enough in the first few days after surgery for healing the body is essential. From activities, heavy physical refused to see.
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The possible complications of wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت

Like any surgery, another, surgery, wisdom teeth may also be accompanied by side effects are. However, with strict observance of the care after the surgery and the skill of the surgeon, etc. the probability of the occurrence of these side effects to a minimum, it seems. Some of the possible complications of surgery, wisdom teeth include:

  • Pain and discomfort:Feel pain and discomfort after surgery is normal. This pain is usually with analgesics prescribed manageable.
  • Inflation:Swelling of the face and gums after surgery can occur. With the use of cold compresses and taking prescribed medications, etc. can be swelling reduced.
  • Bleeding:A small amount of bleeding after surgery is normal. But bleeding, severe or long-term need to see the dentist there.
  • Infection:Non-compliance with oral hygiene after surgery can lead to infection. Symptoms of infection include fever, swelling, severe, redness, and pain.
  • Damage to the nerves:In rare cases, etc., surgical wisdom teeth may lead to damage to the nerves of the mouth to be. This damage can cause numbness or tingling in the lips, their language, or gums be.

In case of any complication, overloaded, or aggravation of symptoms after surgery, wisdom teeth, etc., be sure to clinic میوادنت call.

Why wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت must accompany it?

In wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت, a collection, with the help of specialists and surgeons, and experienced dental, quiet, and without the stress and the use of advanced techniques and modern equipment., the experience safe and comfortable for wisdom tooth surgery you provide. Some of the benefits of wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت include:

  • Expertise and experience:The team of surgeons and highly experienced professionals, we possess the knowledge and experience high in the field of surgery, wisdom teeth are.
  • Advanced equipment:The use of the equipment, advanced imaging, such as digital radiography and cone beam CT scan As surgeons, we help the exact position of the teeth wisdom you to verify and planning more accurate for steel have.
  • Types of anesthesia:We have a range of methods of local anesthesia and general anesthesia to fit the needs and conditions you provide.
  • Care after surgery: After dental surgery ققل clinic میوادنت, a collection guidelines exact care day of action at your disposal, and in case of any problem, dental team, we need your support.
  • Environment quiet and comfortable:We know that the wisdom tooth surgery can be for some individuals, the stressor is. For this reason, our space is quiet and comfortable, will provide for you, we have the experience steel you as much as possible without the stress is.
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Make an appointment for a consultation about wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت contact us.


Wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت can be used to maintain oral and dental health and help you and the occurrence of potential problems in the future to prevent. This article is comprehensive information about signs and symptoms of the need for wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت., the benefits of doing it. stages of surgery, intensive care after the surgery and the possible complications of the alliance.

If in the case of wisdom tooth surgery clinic میوادنت questions or concerns you have, please Contact us. Team of professionals, we are pleased to give you advice, they are.


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